The Bylaws of The Booster Club
Are a subordinate and more detailed delineation of the operation of the Club than what is found in the Club’s Constitution.
May be changed with the approval of a simple majority in each step as specified in Article VI of these bylaws.
Supersedes any conflicting provisions of the Preferred Policies and Procedures.
The mission of The Club, specifically, is to promote school sponsored sports in the St. Helens School District 502 by:
Helping-financially and physically - to improve the necessary facilities for sports and to provide financial support for other needs of the teams;
By assisting with the management of athletic events and by operating the concessions stand athletic events, in conformity with the school district policy and the Booster Constitution and Bylaws;
By honoring he athletics involved in these activities;
By fostering fan enthusiasm for these activities;
By providing opportunities for parents, community supporters, and coaching staffs to become acquainted with one another;
Section 1. The member year shall begin on September 1 and continue through August 31 of the following year.
Section 2. Dues shall be the same for couples and for single, unattached, unmarried individuals. Persons joining as a couple count as two members, even though the couple only made a single due payment.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall determine the starting and ending dates for the collection of dues.